Monday, August 16, 2010

True Blood Everything Is Broken

This season it seems as though True Blood has been pushing the limits of gore and sex to create the wildest season the show has ever put on the small screen. This week Sam finally lost his temper, Jason put his wooden bullets to good use, and Russell gave us a spine tingling ending.

If you're looking for just the best bites of the night, we've got something you can sink your teeth into. True Blood spoiler alert!

Eric Finally Meets “The Authority”

After being threatened over and over again by the Magister we finally learn that “the authority” he so often evoked was actually real. Though we never saw their faces, just a few suited figures in a boardroom of sorts.

Vampire rep Nan Flanagan made a reappearance and isn’t very happy to see Eric. With a few guards decked out in heavy armor, she asks for his statement about the Magister but instead gets the whole drama we’ve seen unfold this season with Russell, including Eric’s own sob story.

Eric has survivor’s guilt. Pam shows emotion for the first time because he tells her to make her own vampire companion. She could lose Eric if “the authority” makes a decision to punish him. Instead, they’d rather wipe their hands of the whole situation with Russell – you know feeding the wolves V for centuries – and just let Eric kill him.

Russell Loses It

After flying off in the last episode, we learn that Russell rushed home to find the gooey remnants of his lover Talbot strewn across the floor of his study. The next night we see him scoping out Fangtasia on a roof before he takes out a crystal urn holding the goopy mess that was Talbot, and promising it revenge. He can’t go in because Nan’s guards are outside.

So what does he do instead? In the middle of a news report on the Vampire Rights Act – which Nan and “the authority” have been pushing since season one – Russell interrupts the reporter when he takes out the anchor's spine.

While holding on to the spine he sits at the anchor desk and delivers a promise to the audience that Vampires are not equal to humans: they’re superior. Also vampires want to eat your children. Then he tosses off his rant to the weather girl.  Roll credits.

Bill And Sookie Are Used To Dead Bodies

After a steamy shower sequence that draws imagery to Psycho, Bill and Sookie wrap up the dead body of a werewolf and Sookie asks why can’t they sit and watch TV like a normal couple.

While sleeping, Bill dreams about the same allergy commercial/fairy place Sookie visited a few episodes ago and runs into Claudine. After a bit of running, super speeding, and zapping, Bill asks what Sookie really is, that she needs to know in order to protect herself.

We of course never find out what she is, they’re saving that nugget for later.

And The Rest:

* Sam’s angsty little brother gets on his nerves (and Arlene’s) by stealing tips, having loud sex, and being a jerk. Sam has enough of people stepping all over him and loses it by beating the tar out of Crystal’s father.

* Tara is still learning how to deal with her Franklin Mott ordeal. She joins a rape survivors group and seems to get better before Franklin turns up outside Merlotte’s and threatens to kill her. Have no fear, Jason shows up with those wooden bullets he’s been carrying for three episodes and kills Franklin. Guess that makes up for killing Eggs?

* Jason and Crystal are the worst. She can’t shake her ex and the rest of the hick residents of Hotshot and she reveals that she doesn’t want to escape it either.

* Lafayette got lucky! Jesus brings his mother back to the hospital.

* Arlene doesn’t want her baby because she believes it’s evil.

* Hoyt admits to Jessica he hates Summer and is still trying to get over her.



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