Friday, August 27, 2010

It is reported that two moons 2010 is a rumor and it spread via emails. The story behind the rumor is that in August two thousand and three Mars came so close to our earth that it appeared on the sky like another moon. Since then these emails are spread by the people in every year’s August. The event that took place seven years ago shall not take place this year so there would not be two moons 2010.

The two moons 2010 email states that there would be two moons on the twenty seventh of this month. It also states that Mars shall be within a particular distance from the earth which is quite close while considering planets. A quite similar even took place in the year two thousand and five and the year two thousand and seven, but in both the cases Mars was not as close to the earth as it came in 2003. In the coming years mars won’t be as close to the earth as it was in 2003 until 2018.

Mars shall be coming closer to the earth in 2287 and of course no one reading this article would be alive at that time. People spread such emails to misguide others and have fun doing it. A number of people do it in order to get a lot of email contacts. Many innocent people were pretty excited to see two moons on the twenty seventh of this month but they shall have to wait for some time.

NASA Science: Two moons 2010 on august 27 is not true
Two moons 2010 (Double moon august 27): Wherever people should try to go deep inside science, they learn so many unheard things which are the secret knowledge of Universe. Mars Hoax 2010 is a similar chaos-producing legend of science that disturbing good idea.

Apparently, NASA Science story "Two Moons 2010" or "Double Moon August 27, 2010" is the fun and learn too. Mysterious story is unclear since last two days so know the facts. Maybe today you got E-mail with above title in Inbox.

On August 25, 2010 NASA Science website updated some hidden facts of "Two Moons 2010" or "Planet Mars August 27". It’s something like this; Mars planet is approaching the Earth and will be 314 million km away.

According to Mars Hoax 2010, there are no two moons will be spark in sky. Mars will look like shiny small red Star in the western sky, some distance from the moon, after sunset, it happens only once in 60,000 years. If you are luckiest on earth, hurry up and stay your eye in Western direction.

Different types of Telescopes are important sky tool for you to view Mars. NASA Science news also added later, "Now go back inside and delete that email".



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