Adamek vs. Grant
Round 1: Grant threw a grazing right hand. He looks so much bigger than Adamek, who is circling. Adamek throws a three-punch combination that is short. Adamek lands a left hook to the body. Grant begins to retreat. Little action. A long jab lands for Grant. Two, light jabs land for Grant. Adamek lands a big left hook to the jaw. Three more jabs for Grant. Another left hook to the body for Adamek, a right to the head. Adamek falls forward into Grant around his legs, and they go to the canvas as the bell rings. Adamek's round, 10-9
Round 2: Adamek lands a ligth jab to the body, but largely continues to circle. Nice jab that is going for Grant. Adamek's left hook finds the mark again. Grant is retreating. Adamek starts to jab his way in to look for the big punch. Big left hook again from Adamek. And another left hook. Two more left hooks from Adamek and a clinch. A left hook to the body by Adamek. Jab to the head by Grant. Another jab by Grant. A third left hook by Grant. Adamek clubs with a left hook and they clinch along the ropes as the bell rings. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 20-18.
Round 3: Grant starts out with his pawing jab again. A left-right and out for Adamek. Two nice up-jabs by Adamek. Jab to the body for Adamek. Right-left to the body and left to the head for Adamek. Right hand to the chest by Adamek that followed a left. Right-left to the head by Adamek who then cances out. Right-left to the body by Adamek. Adamek gets off a five-punch combination that ends at the head and starts with a right to the body. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek 30-27.
Round 4: Left-right to the head for Adamek. Right to the body by Adamek and a clinch. He's boxing well. Grant is a step slow and somewhat lethargic. Right to the body and left to the head for Adamek. Right to the body and left to the head for Adamek again. Two nice jabs by Adamek. Right to the chest, left to the head by Adamek. Grant lands a right uppercut. Left hook for Adamek. Big punch. Two jabs by Grant .Grant covers up each time Adamek attacks. Left-right-left to the head by Adamek, who then dances away. Right to the body. Bell rings. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 40-36.
Round 5: Trainer Eddie Mustafa Muhammad screams for Grant to let his hands go. Grant starts with an urgent jab. Grant is trying to close the gap. But Adamek slips and gets in a double-jab. Head-snapping jabs from Adamek counter. Left hook by Adamek. Double-jab by Adamek, but Grant got in one of his own. Right to the body, left to the head for Adamek. Nice head-snapping jab for Adamek. Good right hand to the head for Grant. They trade left hooks. Adamek closes with a left-right to the body and head. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 50-45.
Round 6: Right to the body for Adamek. Clinch. Double-left hook to the body and head by Adamek. Left to the body by Adamek. Jab by Grant. Left hook to the head by Adamek. Jab by Grant. Double-jab by Adamek. They trade jabs. They do so again. Adamek's jab is harder. A head-snapping jab by Adamek. Jab by Adamek and clinch. Jab by Adamek to the face. Right to the head and left to the head by Adamek. Adamek seems to have hurt his right leg as the round ends. Sort of limps back to his corner. Clash of heads caused a cut over Adamek's right eye. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 60-54.
Round 7: Grant wins the first third of the round behind his jab. Adamek lands a big left hand. Double jab by Adamek. Left hook by Adamek. Grant won't close the gap. They trade jabs. Long right hand by Grant lands, but it's grazing. Blood streaming from Adamek's right eye. Three-punch combination by Adamek. Double-left hook by Adamek. Right-left by Adamek. Right uppercut by Adamek. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 70-63.
Round 8: Left hook inside by Adamek. Nice jabs from Grant. Three-punch combination by Adamek. Grant setting behind his jab. Double-jab by Adamek. Nice jab by Adamek. Adamek is cut over his left eye as well. The jab is working for Grant. Grant lands two right hands and a right uppercut. Grant lands a three-punch combination along the ropes. Grant's round, 10-9; Adamek, 79-73.
Round 9: Fighting with cuts over both eyes, Adamek bravely fights his way in and lands a right and a left. Grant is pumping the jab more. Adamek doubles and lands both jabs. Grant's pressuring more. Grant's jab is landing. Adamek lands a counter jab. Adamek lands a hard left and a right to the head. Grant lands a hard right. Adamek lands a nice left hook, but takes three jabs. Grant is bleeding from the mouth. Two big right hands by Grant, but Adamek lands a left-right. Grant's round, 10-9; Adamek, 88-83.
Round 10: Grant's jab is dictating the action. Grant is looking to land the big right hand. Adamek misses with a wild left hook. Stiff jabs by Grant. Grant misses with a wild right. Jab to the body by Adamek. They clinch. Grant jabs to the face and then forearms to the face. Big right hand by Adamek. Left hook by Adamek. Grant still dictating with the jab. Adamek steals the round with a four-punch combination. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 98-92.
Round 11: Nice jab by Grant. Double-left hook by Adamek. Left hook by Adamek, nice jab by Grant. Right hand by Grant. Left hook by Adamek. Right hand to the jaw by Adamek. Three-punch combination by Adamek. Adamek winning round by being busier, getting in and out, and Grant isn't making him pay. Three-punch combination by Adamek, right, left, right, all to the head. Adamek's round, 10-9; Adamek, 108-101.
Round 12: Adamek starts the way he finished the last round, landing and getting out of harm's way. Grant misses with a right. Grant hurts Adamek with a right hand, Adamek is wobbling around the ring. Adamek tries to hang on, but Grant can't land the finishing blow. Adamek's regained his wits and is back to boxing. Grant lands a three-punch combination to the body. Grant misses with a wild right. Adamek survives. Grant's round, 10-8; Adamek, 116-111.
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