What the heck kind of movie has a case like Reds? Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Richard Dreyfus, and the aforementioned Borgnine-Freeman duo? Well, an action packed and extremely whacky one in this case. A somewhat aged bunch of retired CIA operatives gone ballistic makes for a decent backdrop – add special effects, and familiar faces – presto! That’s entertainment.
If you amble over to the Red Facebook pages, you can get more info or play the Red Challenge game – snatch up some movie stills like the one below – or view other trailers like the video from Youtube at the bottom. All the hype, the stars, the guns and explosions tough, cannot compare really to the one exclusive thing Red has – 93 year old Ernest Borgnine.
Malkovich, Freeman, and Willis
We leave you with one of the trailers, and Everything PR News’ recommendation on Red – a must see actually – even if for just the star power.
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