YouTube inspired countless Internet sensation, which makes them both famous and infamous. Nevertheless, one star YouTube made it so big, he got his made for TV movie out of it. With the debut of that movie this weekend, fans will watch Fred online movies and Nickelodeon, to see the further adventures of Fred Figglehorn.
6-year-old child is in fact a hyper 17-year-old comic actor Lucas Cruikshank, who posted a video on YouTube more than two years. Helium expressed his character has become so big on the Internet that Nickelodeon commissioned full-length film about his adventures.
Fans scrambling to watch Fred online movies, if they could not catch it on Nickelodeon yesterday. In the film, Fred is on the road trip through the city, when it moves to crush a long time. The results expand the world of Fred, and check whether the character can go from YouTube to hit a movie star.
Sketch characters from Saturday Night Live often get movies, so that the general idea is not new. However, in order to sketch the nature of the internet and offering him a film is a new and obvious targets. Those who Fred watch online movies and TV shows will be available to judge whether this is the beginning of a new trend, or one shot.
Internet procedures, as a child “Star Wars”, Chocolate Rain, and “Leave Britney alone!” unlikely to be considered material for the big screen. But someday the time will come, in which the YouTube phenomenon to turn a promising movie stars. For everyone who knows the process will begin with the movie Fred spawning of the online world.
Sure, YouTube hits differ from the impressions on television worldwide. Nielsen ratings, but did not comment YouTube, whether Fred future for the Internet. While many people want to watch this stuff on their computers, their TV schedule can be more closely.
Even if Fred is not a movie filmed on TV, online future still looks bright, as its video still make millions of hits. In addition, Lucas Cruikshank, of course, taking off his own live comedy action set
next year.
For those who are not able to see Fred online movies, they have another chance today, Nickelodeon, as it repeats on Est. 8 pm
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