Hello I have a site that has been in google penalizing for 6 months (it based on wordpress) so I turn on exsisting theme to default and waited two days result was perfect the filter went away I wonder how effect the theme being in google penalizing.
After installing BuddyPress you may want to change from the default theme. Yes it looks great, but to stand out from other sites using BuddyPress you’ll want to use a different theme. Finding a good-looking BuddyPress theme you like is hard too, compared to WordPress there isn’t near as good a selection. So why not make your own?
In this 2nd guide of the series we’ll be making a bp-default child theme, which will only contain 2 files, this is to ensure your theme is as future proofed for BuddyPress as possible. Although we will be limited to the amount that can be done with these two files, you’d be surprised how much they can do.
Texas opens antitrust investigation of Google 3 days 8 hours ago
Attorney General Greg Abbott has asked Google for information regarding the complaints of several companies that Google is penalizing them in search results.
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