Both Daisy and Brennan could not find the keys that anthropological brought them to fend off the Indonesian guerrillas instead. Booth puts his foot in the rebel-infested area in Afghanistan, because he has enough trained as a sniper and military skills of counseling. Meanwhile, the sweetness of exploring the other side of him in the dim room. Angels and Hodgins prefer to enjoy their honeymoon in Paris. On the other hand, the camera stays on the job in the hunt for justice in Washington.
Bone features Emily Deschanel (Dr.Temperance Brennan) and David Boreanaz (Special Agent Seeley Booth), because they reveal the crimes of forensic science with the ability to Brennan read the keys in the bones of the victim. This series of Fox scored rating 2.7 / 8 with 8.8 million viewers for the autumn season premiere last year in September 24.2009.
Get ready for another action packed primetime fun with Bones Season 6. You do not want to miss it!
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