The True Blood Rolling Stone cover is not safe for work. However, the True Blood Rolling Stone cover was deemed safe for newsstands, where the magazine will soon end up. But most people will have already seen the image on the Internet before the issue comes out. Since the picture has Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer and Alexander Skarsgaard bloody, naked and very close, it has already achieved plenty of buzz. But, although the True Blood Rolling Stone cover is very revealing, the magazine is used to nudity like this - just not with blood.
When the image was leaked online yesterday, eyebrows were predictably raised. The sight of the three True Blood stars naked and bloody isn't entirely new, as one or both of these things usually happens on the show. But it generally isn't shown on magazine covers, or at least ones that aren't nudie mags.
The True Blood Rolling Stone cover is obviously tailor-made for fans of the HBO hit. For others, it might seem graphic and a bit unsettling, like the show often is. However, the magazine has not exactly broken new ground by having nudity on the cover in general.
As many people might remember, the True Blood Rolling Stone cover isn't even the first partially nude cover of the summer. Lady Gaga appeared in almost nothing weeks ago, holding guns over her chest, while having her rear end partially exposed. Paquin and Moyer also have their bottoms partially exposed, and have their genitals covered - only with blood, in this case.
Of course, not much was said about Lady Gaga being almost nude, since outrageous fashion statements are her specialty. In addition, the issue became more famous for bringing General McChrystal down. But the True Blood Rolling Stone cover probably won't be upstaged by political bombshells.
The magazine has had many other celebrities pose nude in some fashion over the decades. John Lennon and Yoko Ono are the most famous example, followed closely by Janet Jackson, Jennifer Aniston, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Madonna. Unlike the True Blood Rolling Stone cover, however, their genitals were covered by more conventional means.
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